Dear visitors! From time to time you will find new information about the epoxy resin industry here. Unfortunately, this will be mostly information about regulations, but that's the way it is these days. Anyway, I hope it's worth stopping by here sometimes.
New CLP-regulations concerning endocrine disruptors on the horizon
On short term we will see an update in the CLP-regulations of REACH, which focus on a much stricter regulation of endocrine disruptors (ED). The new guidance which will presumably be published in a few weeks will lead to new classification classes for EDs as well as a new labeling of EDs - with all the administrative efforts needed as a consequence.  
Epoxy resin: Anti-dumping investigations in Europe and the USA (amended 10.10.2024)
Following a request from the three epoxy resin producers Olin (Clayton, Missouri / USA), Westlake (Houston, Texas / USA) and Spolchemie (Usti nad Labem / Czech Republic), the European competition authority began an anti-dumping investigation into imports of epoxy resins and prepolymers from China, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand on July 1, 2024.  
EU-commission publishes positive list for substances in contact with drinking water
The Commission of the European Union has published the Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/367 of 23 January 2024 which is laying down rules for the application of Directive (EU) 2020/2184 of the European Parliament and of the Council by establishing the European positive lists of starting substances, compositions and constituents authorized for use in the manufacture of materials or products that come into contact with water intended for human consumption (hereafter called “positive list”).  
EUCLEF does not provide up-date information on registrations anymore
I am sure a lot of you who have to deal with EU-regulations on hazardous chemicals will know EUCLEF (, the ECHA tool for providing all kind of information on registered substances.  

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GEEPOX Consulting
Inhaber/Owner: Dr. rer. nat. Joerg-Peter Geisler

Cellphone   +49 151 6782 1589